Discovering the Alps

Discovering the Alps

The Alps are Europe’s most populous, highest, and largest mountain range. This mountain range is a collection of great mountain systems in south central Europe that form an arc 1200 km (750 miles) from the Gulf of Genoa to Vienna’s Danube River. The Alps formed between 23 million and 34 million years … Read more

Matterhorn Ascent

Glaciated Matterhorn seen from the Domhütte (Valais)

Location:Switzerland Elevation: 4,478 meters Dubbed as “The Mountain of the Mountains,” Matterhorn, a large rocky, almost-symmetrical pyramidal mountain in Switzerland, is every mountaineer’s dream. They call it Cervino in Italy, and Mont Cervin in France, and probably the most iconic mountain in the entire Swiss Alps. With an elevation of 4, 478 … Read more

Interesting Facts About The Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

The Swiss Alps or simply the Alps, are Europe’s highest, greatest and most famous mountain range. It spans approximately 750 miles (1,200 kilometers) across eight nations: Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Germany, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Monaco. The high peaks and the grand, awe-inspiring views have made the Alps a popular tourist and sports … Read more