Most Dangerous Rock Climbing Places in the World

Climbing Places

Rock climbing is certainly not for the faint-hearted. Accidents are not unusual, as being at risk is one of the things inevitably associated with this sport. However, there are just some rock climbing destinations in the world that are notoriously known for being dangerous. Experienced climbers who are looking for a real … Read more

World’s Most Dangerous Mountain Roads

For the tired and weary spirits, there’s nothing like a road trip alone. Being far away from everyone and everything that stresses you out can be a soothing and relaxing experience. But if you’re up for a thrilling adventure that will take your road trip danger difficulty level to eight notches higher, … Read more

Amazing Mount Everest Survivals

Being the highest mountain in the world, a trek up and about Mount Everest is surely a difficult, life-threatening feat. Even for experienced climbers, climbing the famous summit means risking their lives. Above around 8,000 meters is called the death zone – merely because oxygen is severely lacking up there. More than … Read more

Interesting Facts About Mount Everest

Introduction The Mount Everest is known as the tallest mountain on the planet, but that’s not all! Explore the other interesting facts about Mount Everest in this gallery that you still need to know. You will be amazed to know the different facts related to Mount Everest which are often not commonly … Read more