Best Spots for Mountain Climbing

Mountain climbing to beginners and experts alike

The mountain that you climb should be based on your experience and the weather condition at the time. The novice climber will want to start with a mountain that requires very little equipment and experience. This will enable the inexperienced climber the opportunity to learn techniques inmountain climbing. The more experienced climber will want to go to the more difficult areas for their climbing enjoyment.

Climbing Kilimanjaro: Tips & Tricks

Top Mountains to Climb

  • Mount Kilimanjaro is located in Africa and it is very easy to climb. The novice will enjoy the climbing experience. There is very little equipment needed and when you reach the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, you will be able to have a terrific view. The mountain is the tallest in Africa reaching about 20,000 feet. You will be able to conquer this mountain in about five days.
  • Switzerland offers the most popular mountain to be climbed.The Matterhorn is locatedpartly in Switzerland and partly in Italy. The mountain reaches an elevation of about 14,692 feet.The Matterhorn can be climbed by just about any skill level the right starting point is the trick to climbing this mountain. The novice will want to start at Horni Ridge or Lion routes and climb to the mountain summit. Those who are experienced climbers will want to start at a more difficult area, which is the North Face, Zmutt, or Furggen Ridges. The weather is very unpredictable and changes very quickly so you will need to climb this mountain in the summer.
  • Mount McKinley is located in North America and it ranges about 20,320 feet high. Mount McKinley is known as the mountain with the highest elevation gain in the entire world.

    There are many glaciers, which surrounds Mount McKinley along with numerous amounts of icefalls.You can truly enjoy your climb when you tackle Mount McKinley. This climb is recommended only for the expert it is not one that a novice would want to try. You may not be able to climb this mountain in the fall or winter because of the weather conditions. It is recommended that the very best time for climbing Mount McKinley would be in the spring.

    The Full Denali Climbing Experience (Mt. McKinley)

When you want to get started mountain climbing, it is advised that you start in your own hometown especially if you live in a mountainous region. There are many available mountains located in the southern part of the United States that you can climb to get experience needed to climb higher mountains.

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